Low Fodmap Chicken and Spinach Pizza Recipe

Love for pizza varies from person to person in our family. I’d say 2 out of 5 will always jump for a slice or 3, another 2 would prefer to pass, a finally there’s me who sits somewhere in the middle. I do enjoy a good pizza but that is difficult to find. Throw in intolerance to wheat and sometimes it seems easier to change the menu.

The other night, however, I decided to give pizza another whirl with the family to see if we could make it work for us all. For the base, I made my [highlight]spelt pizza dough[/highlight] from The low FODMAP cookbook. It’s basically the same as regular wheat pizza dough, using Spelt flour instead. I find different packages of spelt flour require varying amount of water to bring the dough together, but generally, it will be less water than wheat flour. If you’re uncertain about spelt in a low FODMAP diet you might like to have a read of an article I wrote here.

Of course, if you’re dealing with intolerance to gluten spelt is not an option for you.

Low Fodmap Chicken and Spinach Pizza Recipe

The dough was divided into 5 portions and each one was pressed out onto a piece of baking paper so that it was just a bit smaller than a dinner plate.  I had some canned tomatoes with herbs leftover in the fridge that I used as the “pizza sauce”. A sprinkling of reduced fat cheese served to hold the toppings together.

I browned 500g chicken mince with a little garlic oil and threw in a couple of large handfuls of baby spinach that I roughly chopped. In the fridge was some feta that I crumbled, and I chopped some tomatoes from my Mum’s garden and scattered with a few torn olives.  A little more grated cheese on top and it was ready for the oven.

After 15 minutes in the oven preheated to 230°C, I slid the pizza from the tray directly onto the oven rack to crisp up the base.

Sometimes I forget how easy homemade pizza is to put together. I got to use up some leftover ingredients from the fridge and everyone could vary their topping to suit themselves; a couple of my little people even grated some carrot over their pizzas! When 5 out of 5 enjoyed this meal I figured it’s time to throw away those takeaway menus and share a bit of [highlight]low FODMAP pizza[/highlight] love with you.

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